So back to Today, August the 26th. I've recently spoken with our scheduler at Cleveland. Asked her directly, "Do you still have us down for an 8/31 admission?".
And she does. "Are there any shortages I need to be aware of that could be a problem?". Believe it or not, she wanted to know why I asked. Of course, I explained the previous failure in a respectful manor. She assures me there's nothing to worry about. And yet, 5 days out, I worry. Something tells me this just wont be as smooth as it needs to be.
We'll see.
So we're starting to get ready for our "vacation". have people lined up for various things. Trying to meet with people as I can before I go. I feel like I'm running out of time. So, as this week comes to a close, if I don't manage to get you, I'm sorry.
I can think of a lot of folks that I really wanted to get in touch with before I left, but just sort of ran out of time. I don't know why, but I didn't see this time shortage coming.

While I'm on the topic of Ella, We sent her heart monitor back! We had it for two months, and could never find an episode of her SVT. We asked frequently and I don't think she had any that we just didn't catch. So, that's awesome. We're probably done with that. Doc, didn't want to see her or have her take anything. Just sent the stupid monitor back. Great. Thank ya Jesus, and thank you all for your prayers.
More good news, while I'm at it. I think last post I said I was improving with my seizures. I seem to have kept that going. I haven't had any in... well probably since my last post. I think that's pretty good. I'll take it, and it does make it easier to think clearly and make rational decisions in these coming weeks.
Well I should post more often. It looks lik I ramble on if I wait too long.
I'll save the rest for later.
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