Sunday, August 30, 2009


Count down to insanity. So here we go. Amanda's in the other room putting makup on. I'm on the computer putting out the last blog from my home PC. Shortly, We'll be packing all of our well pack and planed bags into the car and hitting the road. It's 10 O'colck. 22 hours till the first appointment of the whole fiasco.

I was talking to a several friends through the course of yesterday, and told him I was sort of in "the calm before the storm". now that we're about to get into the car, I feel a bit more stormy. Still calm, but stormy. Maybe It's an "eye of the storm" sort of thing. I dunno.

Anyway, I wanted to post this to say "We're off!" & again "Please pray". Everything is taken care of. Ella is Happily w/ G-ma & G-pa, the dog is with friends, the hose is taken care of(even clean), and we're ahead of schedule. Most importantly, we're rolling with God. Before I get to reflective, I'm gonna go.

Type at cha later,

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