Saturday, June 5, 2010

It's ben a while

So it's been a good long while since I last posted. Sorry, kinda. I'm gonna take it as a positive. See, I've been busy. I've been working 45-50 hours a week! Awesome! (Again, surfer awesome... not Fear of the Lord Awesome.) In any event, It's been great to be back at work. I'm at Parsons Cunningham & Shartle Engineers, Inc. (henceforth PCS).  It's out in Avon, about 10 min. from the house. I've been there since late April. I can dig it. perhaps I'll expound in another post.

So... the head thing, yea. I'm diong pretty well. I only have a few reminders of what feels like a former life. Of course there is the Ginormous scar. But much less obvious is still the left hand. I'd say it's 90%, but just not quite all back yet. It's not holding me back from much. I just got picked up on a Sand V-ball team and it doesn't seem to slow me down to much. Probably 'cause the're enough other problems with my game, that it's the last thing you notice.

Amanda still harasses me about driving and what not. Oh well, I guess for the time being, I'll always have a DD. We'll be heading back up to Cleveland in August for the 6 mo. check-up. Assuming everything is fine, I get to drive us home. And everything will be fine. I've had no issues of any kind since I woke up from the sugery. Furthermore, I'm completely off of Dilantin now. Great for me, not so much for Meijer pharmacy. They we're making a killing.

Anyway, Amanda is leaving her job at PERF, and going to work at for an equipment company in a buisness park near the house. That going to be nice. Again, a whole 'nother post.

Ella's doing well. She is loving life now that "summer camp" (summer day care at her school) is in. She gets to go on field trips and all kind of mess. Water activities... you name it. She loves it. She just helped me make a list of everything we need to go camping. So, We better get crackin' on that too.

Well, That's the news from Lake Woebegone. Where the women are strong, the men are good lookin', and all the children, are above average.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hello again...

I don't have a lot to add. But primarily say "thanks." It seems like most people that I talk to are impressed with the progress that I've made. So, I wanted to say "yes, I am coming along quite well. And, thank you all for your prayers."

I can now:
- Button my jeans
- tie my shoes
- pick up cards / papers
- use two-handed tools (ie. rake/shovel)
- wash dishes (I did break one though)
- and last but not least, Saturday night I played a few chords on guitar.
(nowhere near ready to play at the Fillmore East, but it's a start.)

So those are some big milestones I wanted to share and again, say "thanks".
I go back to Clev. on Monday. Hopefully, This whole thing ends right there.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey all

It's been a while, huh. Well, It's been just over a month since My D-day / H-hour. I've come a long way really. For instance this week I'm starting to type with my left, which is a pretty big deal. I don't like being gimpy. Other signs of "big progress" include, but are not limited to, picking up paper, holding a up of coffee, playing Mario Kart... The last three require an opposable thumb, which took some time.

Also, I go back to The clinic on the 5th to follow up with the surgeon. Hopefully, he'll remove all of my restrictions. I'm not really following them anyway, except for driving. I have yet to get on the road. That will be nice, fo shizzle.

I know it sounds narcissistic, but that's about it. Oh, Amanda? She's doing fine. currently a single mother of 2. And Ella is our proverbial "box of chocolates". It a daily adventure with her. She is Hilarious and Hellion wrapped up into one package. She sings non-sense songs like her Daddy, and loves to read, like her "Mamma".

So that's the update.
Peace & Love,

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hey All

So I've been home a little over a week. I've been making incremental improvement with the hand an arm. I continue to get independence in each finger and strength is coming along. an that's with just some home exercises. I go in for my first Occ. Therapy appointment tomorrow morning. I'm very excited to get that started. I hope that really speeds up recovery. I'm sorta getting tired of typing with one hand and not being able do a lot of mundane tasks around the house.

More excitement. I get the stitches removed today. That will be great. I wont scare little kids and old women when I go out of the house any more. At least no more than before. I think I'll have to give it a couple days, but I'll be able to buzz the scalp again too. That will feel good.

I still get worn out pretty easy, but I think that's just kinda OK for now.
That's probably where I notice th most improvement. I do get better at that every day, I probably do a bit much because of it and the wear out. but I think that's why it's improving.

So there's the update,
Type at ya later,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Whew... we're back

We have been back since Tuesday. It was so good to see my sweet Ella Bean even though when we got home we just crashed. We have just been laying low around the house since then. As you know, I've had a little trouble with my left hand, but it continues to get stronger. In spite of that, it is very good to be home. So this week we have been taking it easy. My only problem is the weakness in my hand, mostly, fine motor skills are gone, and I have very little strength. in my fingers, and I still wear out easily. But, you know, there is literally a hole in my head now, so those seem minor for some reason. On the other hand, the one that works, Th surg. seems to have completely taken care of the epilepsy. Thank God. No really, "Thanks".

I was blessed to be surrounded by family while I was up there. So to All of you thank you so much. I think they got to see a whole new side of me. I'm not quite as reserved & politically correct as I usually am while under sedation or after surg. in general. So perhaps instead of "thanks I should say "sorry".
I know I provided endless stories. maybe we'll get to some of those later.

On the way home, we stopped at a McDonald's and a little girl sat next to me. It was hard enough for her mother not to stare, I felt bad for her. I don't think she'll ever eat another chicken nugget again. Maybe I did her a favor.

So the next step is Occupational Therapy. The surgeon says I should be able to get my hand back to the point that I can play guitar again. I'd say that's pretty good. It may take some time, but We'll get there.

So, that's the big news, here's the small stuff.
The hours after my post about BRG, and hours before I left for Cleveland, BRG decided I wasn't a good fit for them. So I'm back in the market. If you'd lift that up as well, that would be great.

Thanks guys,

Friday, February 19, 2010

Surgery update

Tony is doing really well. The surgery was done by noon. I spoke to the surgeon and he said that he was able to remove all of the lesion. He was concerned because Tony had significant weakness in his arm and hand.
But .... I just saw Tony and he is already getting strength back!! His arm is strong and his hand is gaining strength. Tony told me that he hugged his doctor when he realized that he was going to be okay.
We are overwhelmed with God's goodness and are excited to see what Tony's life will be like without seizures.
Thanks for praying,


I just entrusted Tony into to the hands of a very nice man who was to take him to surgery. Tony is in good spirits, due in part to a good time with his brother last night and also because he is excited to get this over with, we both are.
He is scheduled in the OR at 7:15. We cannot express how much everyone's kindness and prayers have encouraged us. Thank you.
Please continue to pray. I will post more news as I know it.


Monday, February 15, 2010


Figured it's been too long. So here I sit at the trusty old PC, enjoying some cookies and beer (ah ah, don't judge), and recapping life.

So I guess I've managed to stay employed for 6 weeks or so.(BRG inc.) Good for me. It's felt good to be a productive member of society again. I do miss the lazy mornings, free time with the kid, breakfast w/Mom, Facebook, constantly doing dishes... never-mind scratch that last one.

Anyway, I've enjoyed the change of pace, but it's also been rough. I started up with the seizures again. Maybe 2 nights a week, 2-4 a night. I've missed a bit of work because of it, but they have been very understanding. Which leads me back to the title.

T-2 an counting. Tomorrow is my last day of work, before we leave in two days for Cleveland. I hope for the last time. I'm looking FWD: to getting this over-with. Long-story-short, Travel Wed., Testing Thurs., Surgery Fri. morning. After that, 3-5 day stay at the luxurious Cleveland Clinic., and then home for a while.

This time around, Ella is going to ride with us on the way up. I bet she'll like the place. She'll have a good time at the hotel, and there's stuff to do in the hospital. Plus, family will be there. She'll have a good time. I'm not sure exactly when, but she'll head home with Doug and Linda.

BTW, I' starting a "How much further?" pool if anybody wants in.
$1 per 15min. time slot.
50% - 1st HMF
30% - 1st Melt down
20% - last HMF before she falls asleep

For whatever reason, this trip seems to have the least drama surrounding it. We just feel sort of calm about the whole thing. It's kinda good, it's kinda eerie. I was telling Amanda I don't really have any doubt about this trip, but I'm not optimistic either. Weird huh. This has been a year+ in the works, and now I'm just sorta, "whatever, we'll see."

Oy, look at me. I'm all Vechlempt. Pray amongst ya selves. I'll give you a topic. (travel, safety, surgery, calm, peace, recovery, success, Dr., family, hospital stay)


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hey All

It's been a somewhat crazy time for us, but it's been pretty great too.(...pretty great? Does that work?) I started at BRG Inc, in Bloomington, IN on 01/04/2010. So far I really like the place they have good jobs, good people, and an easy going atmosphere.

As far as the twitchin' goes, I still haven't had any problems since I left the hospital in early December. Pretty good(or great?) right? So assuming that holds up, I'll be working until we leave for Cleveland on 2/17. All good things. (accent on things) All good things. (accent on good)

So, please keep prayin'. We're doing well. I don't know that I have any needs so much as just if anything comes to mind. Lift it up.

Gotta run, lunch is over.
