So it's been a good long while since I last posted. Sorry, kinda. I'm gonna take it as a positive. See, I've been busy. I've been working 45-50 hours a week! Awesome! (Again, surfer awesome... not Fear of the Lord Awesome.) In any event, It's been great to be back at work. I'm at Parsons Cunningham & Shartle Engineers, Inc. (henceforth PCS). It's out in Avon, about 10 min. from the house. I've been there since late April. I can dig it. perhaps I'll expound in another post.
So... the head thing, yea. I'm diong pretty well. I only have a few reminders of what feels like a former life. Of course there is the Ginormous scar. But much less obvious is still the left hand. I'd say it's 90%, but just not quite all back yet. It's not holding me back from much. I just got picked up on a Sand V-ball team and it doesn't seem to slow me down to much. Probably 'cause the're enough other problems with my game, that it's the last thing you notice.
Amanda still harasses me about driving and what not. Oh well, I guess for the time being, I'll always have a DD. We'll be heading back up to Cleveland in August for the 6 mo. check-up. Assuming everything is fine, I get to drive us home. And everything will be fine. I've had no issues of any kind since I woke up from the sugery. Furthermore, I'm completely off of Dilantin now. Great for me, not so much for Meijer pharmacy. They we're making a killing.
Anyway, Amanda is leaving her job at PERF, and going to work at for an equipment company in a buisness park near the house. That going to be nice. Again, a whole 'nother post.
Ella's doing well. She is loving life now that "summer camp" (summer day care at her school) is in. She gets to go on field trips and all kind of mess. Water activities... you name it. She loves it. She just helped me make a list of everything we need to go camping. So, We better get crackin' on that too.
Well, That's the news from Lake Woebegone. Where the women are strong, the men are good lookin', and all the children, are above average.
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