Monday, February 15, 2010


Figured it's been too long. So here I sit at the trusty old PC, enjoying some cookies and beer (ah ah, don't judge), and recapping life.

So I guess I've managed to stay employed for 6 weeks or so.(BRG inc.) Good for me. It's felt good to be a productive member of society again. I do miss the lazy mornings, free time with the kid, breakfast w/Mom, Facebook, constantly doing dishes... never-mind scratch that last one.

Anyway, I've enjoyed the change of pace, but it's also been rough. I started up with the seizures again. Maybe 2 nights a week, 2-4 a night. I've missed a bit of work because of it, but they have been very understanding. Which leads me back to the title.

T-2 an counting. Tomorrow is my last day of work, before we leave in two days for Cleveland. I hope for the last time. I'm looking FWD: to getting this over-with. Long-story-short, Travel Wed., Testing Thurs., Surgery Fri. morning. After that, 3-5 day stay at the luxurious Cleveland Clinic., and then home for a while.

This time around, Ella is going to ride with us on the way up. I bet she'll like the place. She'll have a good time at the hotel, and there's stuff to do in the hospital. Plus, family will be there. She'll have a good time. I'm not sure exactly when, but she'll head home with Doug and Linda.

BTW, I' starting a "How much further?" pool if anybody wants in.
$1 per 15min. time slot.
50% - 1st HMF
30% - 1st Melt down
20% - last HMF before she falls asleep

For whatever reason, this trip seems to have the least drama surrounding it. We just feel sort of calm about the whole thing. It's kinda good, it's kinda eerie. I was telling Amanda I don't really have any doubt about this trip, but I'm not optimistic either. Weird huh. This has been a year+ in the works, and now I'm just sorta, "whatever, we'll see."

Oy, look at me. I'm all Vechlempt. Pray amongst ya selves. I'll give you a topic. (travel, safety, surgery, calm, peace, recovery, success, Dr., family, hospital stay)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Tony and Amanda! We are thinking of you and praying for you. Call if you need anything! We love you!

    Chris and Heidi
