Saturday, September 26, 2009

Round 3...

Titled for a couple reasons. 1, this was our third trip to C-Clinic. 2, This is the 3rd time I've tried to write this post. Either, distraction or DSL failure have gotten in the way before. Let's move on.

As you've read in previous post, we took off on Wednesday, had our appointments on Thursday, drove home Thursday-night picked up the kid / dog Friday and now you have a time line.

For the sake of not boring the crap out of you(But still no promises), we're only going to talk about Thursday. We arrived at the clinic around noon. BTW, calling this place a "clinic" is retarded. The word "clinic" makes me think of the show Becker, or maybe the emergency care clinic that's often part of a strip mall. Still, perhaps I should be cautious with the word "retarded" as I'm frequenting neurologists. It's bigger than any hospital, I've ever seen. Bigger than a community college. I dunno, maybe even a small D1 school. Sorry, back to not boring the crap out of you. 1st appointment was at 1pm with Dr. Gonzalez. He's my Neurosurgeon. Yup...Neurosurgeon. He will be preforming my SEEG.

This conversation was both calming, and nerve-racking. He was able to explain how low the probability of any complications are, but he was very detailed in what could go wrong. #1 concern, hitting a blood vessel and causing a "bleed". The size and location of the bleed determine the outcome / consequences. #2 - an infection. When was the last time you heard this, "Oh, I'd love to, but this brain infection is killing me."? I know bad choice of words. #3 - Hitting, clipping or crimping a vessel. That means stroke.

So, There you go. That's the bad news, here's the good. Concern #1 has a .05% chance of happening. They only go down from there. He is very positive about the result of the SEEG. He also seems to be optimistic for the extraction. Also good. He give a little higher #'s than Hantus did. I suppose he can be a bit more accurate, 'cause hes doing the work. More good news: We were told that we'd have to wait until Feb. for this SEEG. While we were waiting for the Dr. in our little holding pen, they got a spot or someone canceled or something, so right now we're scheduled for 11/23. They also said the would move that date up if they could.

On to the good stuff.
The SEEG is a little different than I understood. Instead of two electrodes, there will be up to 16. Oy. He said " can compare them to spaghetti noodles". They are about the same size (2mm), but don't stick to the wall when cooked. After every thing is well placed in my head, I'll be wrapped up and sent to recovery for a short time. Then, on the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. I'm sure those nurses can't wait to get me back. Anyway, much the same story as before, stay till ya twitch. They want about 5 this time. That's a bit frighting to me. But, I know they can stop the twitchin' at any time. All it takes is a little bit of IV happy sauce.

So let's say they get their 5. Now we wait. At best, they have everything they need and schedule a resection. Which is what Dr. Gonzales says is most probable. If that's the case we wait two months for my head to recover, before break out the exact-o knives. Second possibility, didn't get what we needed, so we need to replace the spaghetti (electrodes). The same two months apply here. Third, everything worked, we see it clearly and know where it and your motor functions are, but know it's decision time. "How much do you really use your left hand"?(leg, butt-cheek, whatever)

Yea, so, there it is. In all it's complicated, intense, gory, wonder. That's about it.

Oh yea, the we had a FMRI done that took about an hour. It's basically your standard run of the mill MRI but then you get instructions. It measures the increase in blood to areas of the brain to preform functions. After that we left and got home around 11:30p. Long day. Sorry for the novel. I'll try to keep it shorter next time.

As is standard fare for us right now, we continue to be greeted by people that are praying for us. That's great. Thank you all for all of you prayers.

Tony and fam.

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