Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And there's the flop

That not twichin' reference, or even a city pool reference, it's a poker reference.

After we got news of from the Doc, we were driving back home. Amanda was concerned that I was "not OK". So I made this analogy, Some will understand it some won't.
In Texas hold 'em, you get a couple cards, and the game starts. That's where we've been since... along time. You look at you cards, you try to be optomistic, but really you have no idea what hand you have. I'll forgo the wagering aspects. next comes "the flop". Three card are placed on face-up on the table shared by all in the game. We now have a full 5 card hand. the only uncertainty are the next two cards to come up. They can help. They can help, they can hurt, but I pretty much know what odds are.

OK, as I type that it sounds a bit dramatic. But, that where we are. The Cleveland clinic did a great job with their testing. They learned 10 times more in a week than in... ever... anywhere... all put together.

But, since they can see the legion, see the epileptogenic zone(EZ), know where motor functions are located, they know the risk. And here it is, 10% - 25% of having a weakened left hand. Doc was very clear that he can only speak in generalities. The numbers are general, the term "weakened" is general. Sometimes it happens and people "remap" and regain the function. No numbers for that. So that's the bad news, sort of "ripping off the band-aid" style.

Here's the good news. He can get it! The EZ that is. The EZ is where the seizures are emanating from and it is directly adjacent to the legion. For the sake of more general numbers, 50%-60% of never having another seizure. That jumps to around the 90% area if you change it to having far less, and less sever seizures. He will also get the legion but is not sure he can get all of it. The legion is sort of an indirect culprit. It's a very small area that just formed incorrectly (I guess my sister was right) and will not metabolize food. So now it's basically dead. Interesting tidbit, your brain is the consistency of jello. That legion is more like potato.

So that's an overview of the good and bad news, on to plan of action. I have so the we have a better idea of how close the regions are to on another, we're going to do some more testing. I know, I know... I'm shocked too. regardless, first up is a functional MRI (FMRI) currently scheduled for 10/14. They are trying to move that up for me. On the same day, I will have a consultation with the surgeon. He wil most likly first preform a stereo EEG (SEEG). I know the link says "childrens", but doc gave me the same info and #'s so it should explain well for you.

That leads me back to the top. The result from over a week of monitoring, and a crap load of testing turns up "the flop" To come, FIRM - "the turn", SEEG - "the river". It's getting to be an increasingly high stakes game. And I dunno I guess the "the flop" if you will, sort of jerked the cavalier approach to the whole thin into perspective. At some point I'm either going to have to fold, or go all in, and of course live with the consequences.

This is not my most up lifting post, so I'll let it go where it is. I'll remind you-all and myself the the goal was to be informative, honest & transparent. So I guess I don't have a motivational blog. Whatever.

We're still here, glad to have you-all, your prayers, your help and encouragement.

Gimme a couple days and I'll put up some more stuff. In the mean time, if you have Q's let me know and I'll answer them the best I can.


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