Monday, November 30, 2009

Not so bad...

So let me tell you, I was the Sizzle. (see last post) That was some crazy mess. They'd click a button, and my leg or hand or whatever would twitch or tingle. Or, They'd be basically make my brain pause. Surreal.

Anyway, we got through 4 of the 6 electrode tests which took about 2.5 hours. We're going to start again in the morning.

After that, All info from all test will be reviewed by many doc's and surgeons in the afternoon. I'll have a consultation after that. They should remove the electrodes Wed. morning, and release me Thursday morning.

At least that's how it's suppose to go. We'll see.

Thanks for the prayers,


  1. Keep your head high! Prayin' for you and the family. :)

  2. I would, but the wires tug at my eyebrows. lol.

    Thanks Cor
